Potato Rosti. Essentially a giant latke, rösti potatoes are the Swiss version of the classic potato pancake. Serve it topped with smoked salmon, sour cream with chives, or braised Savoy cabbage. For the rösti, grate the potatoes coarsely into the a clean tea towel.
It was originally a breakfast dish, commonly eaten by farmers in the canton of Bern, but is now eaten all over Switzerland and around the world.
A rösti cooked from raw potatoes.
I also try a trick suggested online by chef Patrick Williams; salting the grated raw potatoes to "draw out" the excess water, a technique.
Buat masakan Potato Rosti yaitu hal yang dapat disebut gampang. bila kamu newbie dalam memasak Potato Rosti, kalian akan sedikit banyak kesusahan dalam membuatnya. oleh sebab itu dengan artikel disini, kamu akan kita tampilkan sedikit proses menu berikut ini. Dengan mengumpulkan 7 komposisi ini, kamu bisa memproses memasak Potato Rosti dalam 3 tahapan. baik, segera kita memulai Mengolah nya dengan langkah dibawah ini.
Bahan-bahan Potato Rosti
- Anda perlu 2 kentang ukuran besar, kupas, parut kasar.
- Berikan 1/2 untuk bawang bombay, iris halus, tumis hingga layu.
- Memerlukan 1 sdt - maizena.
- Siapkan 1 sdt dari kaldu non msg.
- Siapkan 50 gr dari keju, parut.
- Perlu Secukupnya garam dan merica.
- Siapkan 2 sdm dari minyak utk memasak.
Rosti is a Swiss potato dish perhaps best described as a cross between hash browns and a potato pancake. It's cut into wedges and served with sausages or other. Grate potatoes into a hash brown-style patty and cook in the oven for a convenient and tasty side These rostis with beef mince are great for using up leftover mashed potato and are ideal for a family. Coarsely grate potatoes into a large bowl.
Potato Rosti langkah nya
- Rebus kentang parut, sebentar saja sekitar 5 menit. Tiriskan..
- Letakkan kentang dlm wadah. Tambahkan maizena, bawang bombay, garam, merica, kaldu dan keju. Campur rata..
- Ratakan diatas teflon yg sudah ditambahkan minyak (sy kecil2 agar mudah dibalik). Masak dgn api kecil hingga kecoklatan, balik (hati2 mudah hancur). Masak sisi yg lain hingga kecoklatan. Selesaiii... Tinggal masak buat temennya. Bisa sosis, telor ceplok dll..
Heat reserved skillet over medium-low heat. Scrape potato mixture into hot skillet, pressing with a spatula into an even layer. This potato rosti recipe is a tasty Swiss potato brunch. It can be served topped with an egg, bacon or even smoked salmon. Learn how to make this classic potato rosti recipe in a few easy steps.