Potato with bechamel sauce. In this video we will show you how to make baked mozzarella chicken breast with bechamel sauce and baked potatoes. It's pretty simple and very nutritious. Italian Béchamel Sauce Potato Gratin combines French and Italian flavors in the most delicious, easy to make and comforting potato dish.
By misterlister in Cooking Snacks & Appetizers.
I was in dire need to create a recipe for the snack foods contest so I thought I would try something original (or semi-original at least) and decided to try and make potatoes with bechamel sauce.
It involves potatoes, chicken cooked in tomato sauce, plenty of bechamel and shredded mozzarella.
Mengolah Potato with bechamel sauce adalah poin yang dapat dibilang menyenangkan. bila kamu newbie dalam memasak Potato with bechamel sauce, anda akan lumayan kerepotan dalam mengolahnya. oleh sebab itu dengan situs disini, kamu akan kita berikan sedikit banyak proses pembuatan makanan berikut ini. Dengan mengumpulkan 9 bahan ini, anda bisa memproses membuat Potato with bechamel sauce dalam 3 langkah. oke, segera kita memulai Mengolah nya dengan langkah dibawah ini.
Komposisi - Potato with bechamel sauce
- Persiapkan 5 buah dari Kentang.
- Sediakan 4 sendok makan untuk butter.
- Siapkan 4 sendok makan - terigu.
- Persiapkan 500 ml untuk susu cair.
- Persiapkan secukupnya - Pala, lada, garam, kaldu ayam.
- Anda perlu 1 butir bawang bombai (saya skip).
- Sediakan 3 slice - daging asap atau daging sapi giling (d skip juga boleh).
- Sediakan 1 blok keju melt.
- Anda perlu 1/2 blok dari keju cheddar.
Roasted Sweet Potato & Caramelized Onion Pizza. with Béchamel Sauce, Fontina Cheese & Arugula Salad. Add the flour and cook, stirring. Potatoes Au Gratin is a classic preparation of potatoes sliced thinly and covered in a creamy traditional Bechamel sauce. The bechamel sauce is the key to this amazingly simple, yet elegant potato dish.
Potato with bechamel sauce langkah-langkah nya
- Bechamel sauce : panaskan butter d wajan kemudian masukkan terigu, aduk rata, masukkan susu cair, beri parutan pala, lada, garam, kaldu ayam secukupnya, koreksi rasa, setelah itu angkat (agak sedikit kental ya saus nya).
- Kupas kentang, iris tipis, cuci bersih dan tiriskan, siapkan wadah pyrex atau alu voil, masukkan sedikit saus bechamel, susun kentang kasih keju parut dan keju melt, taburkan lada, berikut nya susun lagi kentang nya, beri saus, parutan keju, melt, lada, susunan terakhir saya beri daging asap, tutup dengan saus dan keju..
- Kemudian di panggang d oven selama kurang lebih 45 menit -1 jam, sampai kentang matang, kemudian d angkat, biarkan dingin sajikan.
Here's our article outlining everything you could need to know about making a proper Bechamel Sauce. Add the potatoes together with the leeks and the chopped herbs and mix in gently. Spinach and Potato Lasagna with Béchamel Sauce. Scalloped potatoes are a classic casserole and a favorite side dish for many families. This recipe simmers the potatoes in a basic seasoned white sauce before the casserole is baked to perfection.