Potato Au Gratin. These homemade au gratin potatoes are always welcome at our dinner table, and they're so simple to make. A perfect complement to ham, this homey potato gratin also goes well with pork, chicken and. TESTED & PERFECTED RECIPE - Potatoes Au Gratin is the ultimate comfort food with sliced potatoes, heavy cream & grated cheese.
Also known as Dauphinoise Potatoes, this French classic is made with layers upon layers of finely.
Au gratin potatoes are one of the greatest casseroles of all time.
Tender, fluffy potatoes are bathed in a rich and creamy cheese sauce, then baked in a hot oven until bubbly and crisp.
Membuat Potato Au Gratin yaitu hal yang dapat dinamakan mudah. apa bila anda baru dalam membuat Potato Au Gratin, kalian akan lumayan kesusahan dalam membikin nya. sebab itu dengan situs disini, anda akan kami persembahkan sedikit banyak proses pembuatan menu berikut ini. Dengan memanfaatkan 12 komposisi ini, kamu dapat memproses membuat Potato Au Gratin dalam 5 tahapan. oke, segera kita proses Membuat nya dengan cara dibawah ini.
Bahan-bahan dari Potato Au Gratin
- Berikan 400 gr untuk kentang, cuci bersih.
- Anda perlu 1 bonggol kecil brokoli, potong sesuai kuntum, cuci bersih.
- Sediakan 120 gr - mozarella, potong-potong.
- Perlu untuk Oregano.
- Berikan - Bahan saus putih :.
- Anda perlu 2 sdm untuk margarin.
- Anda perlu 1/2 - bawang bombay ukuran besar, diiris.
- Anda perlu 2 sdm - terigu.
- Anda perlu 50 gr - keju cheedar, parut.
- Berikan 1/4 sdt - pala bubuk.
- Anda perlu 1/2 sdt dari garam.
- Persiapkan 250 ml - susu cair UHT plain.
Potatoes Au Gratin are a dinnertime staple around here! Tender potato and onion slices smothered in a quick cheesy sauce and baked until golden. This is one of our favorite easy side dish recipes. Potatoes au gratin is layers of thinly sliced spuds together with a creamy sauce and melted cheese.
Potato Au Gratin instruksi nya
- Kukus kentang dan brokoli sampai matang. Kemudian kupas kentang dan potong-potong. Sisihkan.
- Lelehkan margarin, masukkan bawang bombay, tumis sampai harum dan layu.
- Masukkan terigu, aduk cepat supaya tidak bergerindil. Masukkan keju cheedar parut dan susu cair. Aduk cepat. Bumbui dengan garam, pala bubuk. Aduk cepat saus putih hingga mengental.
- Siram pinggan tahan panas dengan sedikit saus putih (campuran susu) kemudian susun : potongan kentang, brokoli, siram dengan saus putih dan beri keju mozarella. Susun lagi diatasnya kentang, brokoli, saus putih dan taburi sedikit oregano dan keju mozarela.
- Panggang di suhu 200'C sampai matang dan topping keju mozarella meleleh. Sajikan.
Cheesy potatoes au gratin is a classic side dish that's easy to prepare and is always a crowd-pleaser. This potato gratin recipe is the perfect side dish for any type of meal, whether its weeknight dinners or holiday meals! This easy Potatoes Au Gratin recipe is made with thinly sliced potatoes, a creamy cheese sauce, and topped with sharp cheddar cheese. This cheesy Potatoes Au Gratin recipe beats all other potato side dishes out there. Here's the best way to cook homemade au gratin potatoes at home before your holiday meal.