Churros. A churro is a fried-dough pastry—predominantly choux—based snack. Churros are traditional in Spain and Portugal, where they originated, as well as in the Philippines and Ibero-America. From Authentic Loop Churros to OREO Churros, you'll want.
I have loved churros ever since I was a little girl wandering the streets of Tijuana.
Transfer churros to a pastry bag or strong gallon ziploc bag with a corner snipped off, fitted with That was exactly my understanding of churros, too.
I'm actually a little afraid now that I know they are so.
Mengolah Churros adalah suatu hal yang bisa dibilang mudah. jika anda baru dalam memasak Churros, kamu akan sedikit banyak kesusahan dalam membuatnya. maka dari itu melalui blog disini, anda akan saya berikan sedikit proses makanan dibawah ini. Dengan mengumpulkan 6 bumbu-bumbu ini, kamu dapat mulai memasak Churros dalam 9 tahapan. baik, segera kita mulai Memasak nya dengan cara berikut ini.
Kebutuhan bahan untuk Churros
- Berikan 120 g untuk tepung terigu (pake segitiga biru).
- Anda perlu 50 g - mentega (aku pakai margarin palmia royal).
- Persiapkan 190 untuk air.
- Perlu 2 SDM untuk gula pasir.
- Persiapkan Sejumput untuk garam.
- Sediakan 1 butir dari telur.
Churros are kind of the Spanish version of donuts. Taco Bell ripped them off with their Cinnamon Twists. The original Spanish churros were made with just flour and water (maybe some oil) dough. The Loop: Handcrafted Churros specializes in churro desserts with a variety of glazes, toppings and soft serve ice cream.
Churros proses pembuatan nya
- Masak air masukan margarin, gula, garam dan tepung aduk² kecilkan api. Setelah merata matikan kompor..
- Tunggu hingga hilang panas adonan lalu masukan telur aduk² hingga rata..
- Cetak menggunakan plastik segitiga yang sudah ada spuit..
- Lalu goreng buat sesuai selera..
- Cara buat saos coklatnya:.
- Saya pake selai coklat kiloan merek tulip. Kira² masukan 2 SDM selai coklat lalu campur dengan susu full cream. Aduk² hingga saos coklat agak mengental..
- Hidangkan churros bersaama saos coklat..
- Bisa juga dengan gula halus yang dicampur bubuk kayumanis..
- Selamat mencoba..
We also serve teas, coffee and other specialty drinks. Meanwhile, spoon the churro dough into a pastry bag fitted with a large tip. Fry the churros, turning them once, until golden brown. In this video, you'll see how to make churros, the delicious, cinnamon-sugar-coated Mexican fritters. Try these churros with a cup of hot coffee!